
Download the latest version

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  • Github Packages?

    !!!!! NEEED distribution details!!!!!

Setup the Database

  1. Install Postgres
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql
  1. Create a blank Postgress database called "ego".
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE ego;
  1. Run the database migrations to setup the database tables.

Database migrations and versioning are managed by flyway. Download the flyway cli client here: flyway-commandline, and unpack the client in a directory of your choosing. Execute the flyway client pointing it to the configuration and migration directories.


Run outstanding migrations:

./fly migrate

At this point, your postgres database is setup and ready to use. Ego does not come with a default admin user, which means before you can start using Ego you need to create an admin user. Insert a new user with the admin’s Oauth Id into the “egousers” table, with role ADMIN.

!!!!! NEEED instructions on how to create user???!!!!!>

Run the Application

Configure your Settings

!!!!! NEEED instructions on config and if this is the right placce?!!!!!

JWT Duration Application JWT Duration Refresh token duration API key duration


idk stuff about ports/

Run the APplicaiton,k

!!!!! NEEED instructions on config and if this is the right placce?!!!!!

EGO currently supports three Profiles:

  • default: Use this to run the most simple setup. This lets you test various API endpoints without a valid JWT in authorization header.
  • auth: Run this to include validations for JWT.
  • secure: Run this profile to enable https

For production environemnts, we recomend running with the secure profile.

!!!!! why are you telling me this? how do i use this information!!!!!

mvn clean package ; ./fly migrate